How to find a job quickly? 2019-2021 were years like no other to find a job. The disruption to the jobs market was the greatest in a generation with employers and employees redefining their relationships.
In this article we share the latest job trending searches right now and how you can use these changes to make your job search more successful. Remote working is expected to remain, there’s been unexpected levels of change in the market and a greater focus on soft skills. So here are our top 7 tips on how to find a job quickly in this brave new world.
1. Search jobs by keeping up with AI trends in recruitment
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment is a fast-growing trend with 43% of HR professionals already using AI and more planning to in the future. Understanding how AI is used in recruitment and you can adapt your job search and applications will keep you ahead of the game.

In our blog Job Search Success – Ultimate Guide to AI Recruiting we tell you about the different kinds of AI and how you can use it to help you in your job search journey.
2. Remote working opens up the global jobs market
The trend for remote working will continue beyond the pandemic, with advantages for both recruiters and candidates alike. Work from home jobs means recruiters and hiring managers can access wider talent pools, save costs and enhance employee wellbeing.
Owl Labs research shows that 50% of employees would move jobs if offered work from home opportunities.

For jobseekers, it means the world really is your oyster with the global job market available to you. Googling ‘jobs near me’ no longer applies with work from home jobs. A large number of job openings are made available in the market including government jobs.
To stand out in a global market, be sure to show off your work from home skills such as embracing digital working, remote team-building skills and productivity. Be ready to answer common remote job interview questions.
3. Succeed at Remote Interviews. The trend is here to stay
With work from home jobs expected to continue, so will remote interviewing practices. With 60% of employers planning to keep video interviews after the pandemic, this trend is here to stay.

Some of the most common video interview mistakes include poor preparation and personal skills.

To make this trend work for you, be sure to brush up on your job interview skills. Indeed has a handy guide including common questions asked in video interviews and how to prepare.
4. Make the ‘Covid Paradox’ work to your advantage for job search. Excess vacancies in the market
In mid-2021 there were 1 million more vacancies than people looking for jobs in the US. Sand this trend is likely to continue. Yet most recruiters and hiring managers were experiencing difficulty in recruiting. This is known as the ‘Covid Paradox’, and you can use it to your advantage
In June 2021 Indeed reported a 30.5% increase in job posting compared to before the pandemic.
Recruiters are adjusting their recruitment strategies by offering better employee benefits including pay, rewards and flexible working options. With more jobs than job candidates, the power now lies in the hands of candidates, Use this opportunity to negotiate better pay, benefits or working practices to suit your preferences.
5. Join the contingent workforce for new possibilities new jobs and get job training
The contingent workforce means workers who are not employed by an organisation but instead work freelance, on contracts or in temporary positions. Aiming at gaining job training.
The contingent workforce is growing more rapidly than permanent jobs. Monster predict by late 2021 over half of the skilled workers will be contingent. A flexible workforce means employers can reduce their risk, respond to change and buy-in skills as needed.
Freelance or temporary work can be a great career opportunity with advantages such as:
- more flexibility in your career and working hours.
- learning new skills.
- trying out new companies or industry sectors.
- getting your foot in the door as a way to permanent work.
- enhance your resume and pay the bills whilst searching for permanent work.
- Grow your network.
Don’t overlook temporary or contract roles as they offer many opportunities to find a job quickly.
6. Get noticed by proactive recruiters. Sign up to global talent pool platforms
Traditionally recruiters would wait until a job vacancy needed filling and place an advert to find potential candidates. With the advantages of technology, recruiters and hiring managers can now be proactive and build a pool of potential talent ready for when opportunities arise.

When looking for a new job online, don’t just apply to jobs hiring right now, be a proactive job seeker. Many companies have a talent pool you can join so recruiters already have your details and can match you to job openings as they become available. This also gives you a great chance to get to know the company culture.
How to find a job quickly with Talentprise
Some companies have their own talent pool systems, but many use an innovative AI-led talent management platform, like Talentprise, to access candidates. Signing up to Talentprise means you can be found by lots of companies searching for candidates.
7. Hard sell your soft skills – job search strategy. Transition to the next job
Talent shortages and the changing future of work mean recruiters are focusing more on soft skills. Leverage this job search strategy for the next job opportunity.

Why soft skills are important for employers?
Oxbridge Academy explains why soft skills are so important for employers:
- Hard skills are useless without soft skills to back up their task-related knowledge.
- Soft skills are more difficult to learn and therefore more valuable.
- Today’s workplaces are collaborative, relying heavily on soft skills to get things done.
- Soft skills such as empathy and a sense of humour improve the customer experience.
- The future of work lies in soft skills; these human characteristics can’t be replicated or replaced by AI.
But how do you decide which sift skills you need to demonstrate? LinkedIn’s list of the top soft skills for 2021 can help. The most in-demand skills include innovation, communication, adaptability and teamwork. When applying for a job be sure to emphasize your soft skills.
With AI talent management systems, like Talentprise, candidates are scored on more than just qualifications and experience. Continuous learning, soft skills and competencies are all given equal weighting. Helping you to find a job quickly by making sure all of your talents are demonstrated to recruiters and stand out above other candidates.
Job seeking trends are continuously changing and the impact of the pandemic means the world of recruitment looks very different. But by keeping up on trends and adapting your job search, you can keep ahead of the game and land your dream job.
Top Talent Sourcing Tools for Recruiters. Join Talentprise Today.
If you are an IT professional looking for a job in Europe, Check out IT jobs in Switzerland.

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