AI-driven talent recruiting marketplace with 100K talent pool


Talentprise an AI Powered Platform

Outperform Job Posting Websites & Job Recruiting Websites

The shortest route to high-ace talent. Direct access to highly skilled candidates. Proactive Recruiting. Quick Shortlisting. Connecting 100K top talent with recruiters worldwide.


Your platform to find and hire top Talents

Data-driven talent sourcing web platform that puts the best-fit talents in front of recruiters based on personas. The AI-powered solution enables job seekers to stand out while empowering recruiters to exceed recruitment goals.

Talentprise overcomes major recruitment challenges and outperforms job posting websites and job recruiting websites.

Recruiter using Talentprise from his laptop in the US

Talentprise is NOT a Job Board

Job boards are ineffective for organizations seeking executive recruitment because of the absent screening process. In addition, staffing and recruitment on job boards are usually burdensome and time-consuming.

When recruiters post a job, candidates who are interested in the job, whether they meet the employment demand or not, tend to apply for such jobs, thereby leaving the hiring manager to the stressful task of having to sift through several resumes before discovering the qualified candidates. Eventually, the recruiter ends up taking a long time to hire.

Talentprise Platform snapshots for recruiting perfect fit talent

Talentprise is NOT an ATS

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) has too many flaws, making it difficult to hire the right candidates. There are some resume formats ATS cannot read, even if the candidate is qualified. Therefore, many qualified candidates with an unknown resume format to ATS will not make it to the interview stage, and recruiters might end up hiring unqualified individuals passed by the system.

A firm designed an ideal resume for the perfect candidate to test the efficiency of the tracking system. The system misread the resume and scored it 43%.

Forbes reported that ATS rejected 75% of qualified candidates because of wrong CV formatting.

How It All Started…

The inception of Talentprise started in 2020 when as a hiring manager with over ten years of experience, Waseem Taqqali, the company’s CEO, identified inefficiencies in the hiring process even in large enterprise organizations.

While working for Fortune 500 company, Waseem realized that the most challenging part of the hiring process is finding high-quality candidates, which often leads to late onboarding, negatively impacting businesses. In particular, the “job posting” is not helpful. Thus, he decided to transform the hiring process by making it more reliable, efficient, and seamless. This led to the birth of Talentprise.

In the first year of operation, Talentprise attracts 6000 recruiters in 100 countries!

We strongly believe that AI is a great enabler to transform the hiring process

Talentprise uses state-of-the-art technology to help job seekers find dream jobs and improve employers’ recruitment efficiency.

Overcome Key Challenges of Job Posting Websites


To be the most talent-centric platform on earth to provide a decent job to everybody.


We are committed to adopting cutting-edge technologies to help talents and enterprises to converge.


Transforming talent sourcing and acquisition to drive recruitment efficiency, quality, and diversity.

Decent work for all.

The UN has provided a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet that consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Boosting Efficiency of Employers and Recruiters Hiring Process

An employer seeking to advertise a job on job boards knows that every individual who is attracted to the job posting, whether qualified or not, gets to apply. When applicants overlook the employment demands, the recruiter is left to sift through thousands of unqualified applications to discover the qualified ones.

Talentprise has proffered a solution to this challenge by matching only suitable candidates to a persona through its AI algorithms.

Cost to hire save 30%

Cost to hire

30% recruitment cost saving. Thanks to hiring process efficiency and instant access to a talent pool.

Time to Hire. Save Your Time. Hire Talent Fast

Time to hire

Accelerated candidate shortlisting and onboarding. Enhanced candidate experience.

Boost Quality of Hire with Talentprise Pool of Candidates

Quality of hire

Through a comprehensive assessment of traits, competencies, values, and motivations.

Hire Diverse Workforce


Global talent pool with massive diversity for Employers to achieve diversity goals.

Talent Data Analytics for best and quick selection


Strong scoring system. Employers’ visibility to talent badges, percentile, and run talent comparisons.

Dynamic Talent Pools for future fulfillment

Dynamic Talent Pools

Employers create private talent pools for future recruitment. Keeping records of actions.

Helping Talent & Job Seekers to Stand Out

Job seekers don’t trust the conventional hiring process as they often don’t get responses to their applications. Therefore, finding a new job is a tussle for them, and when they eventually find one, there’s difficulty in standing out. Even the best job search websites restrict candidates from showcasing their skills and abilities because of the limits that come with resume templates.

Here is where Talentprise showcases candidates’ skills and abilities to recruiters without relying on resumes.

AI data driven recruitment

Data Driven

Fair chance to all Candidates. AI-Powered. Data-driven qualifications.

Soft skills pre-assessment

Soft Skills

Bringing Soft Skills to the equation of candidate qualification and benchmarking.

Talent Badge. Talent Pool Ranking System


Talent Identity is defined by a Badge and scoring system applied to all candidates.

Job market outlook and insights for job seekers


Job seekers visibility on Employers’ Trends. Live evolutions of jobs demand.

Automated Talent Identification and Selection


Fully automated system. No human intervention. All are based on Candidates’ inputs.

Talent data privacy and confidentiality


Candidates’ data privacy with total control of profile view. zero publicity in search engines.

Talentprise is a great tool for…

As a job marketplace, Talentprise benefits recruiters as much as it does job seekers. Every highly skilled professional can benefit from Talentprise.

Job Seeker home page

Active and Passive Job Seekers

Get Ranked in Talentprise Pool. Don’t Search. Be Found!

Any professional who uses job search engines can benefit from Talentprise. It is helpful for marketing managers, administrative services managers, software developers, engineers, designers, software engineers, IT professionals, and many more occupations in STEM.

Are you a freelancer, an intern, an entry level, an apprenticeship jobs seeker, or a part time or full time worker aiming to find a local job or international job? Talentprise is the best way to find job vacancies, and it connects you with job opportunities in IT and non-IT domains.

Any employer seeking to step up his recruiting strategy and desire to cut down on the cost of hire can benefit from Talentprise.

Are you a hiring manager, a headhunter, a freelance recruiter, a talent acquisition specialist, or an HR business partner, who’s partaking in third-party recruiting or in-house recruiting, seeking an experienced workforce or fresh graduates?

Talentprise is the best software for recruitment. Several qualified software developers are also in the Talentprise pool, making it the best platform for IT recruitment.

Employer Home Page

Recruiters and Hiring Managers

Exceed your Recruitment Goals. Hire Skilled Employees Faster.

Talentprise Vs Job Posting Websites Websites

Talentprise transformed the hiring process by replacing a resume with a Talent Digital Card and job ads with a persona of the ideal talent.

Supporting recruiters to create a proactive candidate pool and adopt data-driven and AI recruiting tools to match the most suitable talent capabilities with the appropriate job requirements.

Create talent pools without the need for job posting

Skill Assessment

Every registered talent on Talentprise goes through a thorough skill assessment. This enables employers to identify professionals whose skill matches the employment demand quickly.

AI Headhunter

AI Headhunter is a revolutionary solution to the challenges posed by the traditional hiring process. It uses an AI algorithm to help you source top matching talents for your job, so you can focus on interviewing only the best candidates.

Ranking System

The five pillars that Talentprise AI recruiting uses in its ranking include education, expertise, experience, capabilities, and skills. Based on these pillars, applicants are given a badge according to the level they meet. This ranking system helps unique talents to stand out amid thousands of counterparts. Employers have access to the data analytics of this ranking system, helping them shortlist suitable candidates.

Talent Badge

These are the badges that Talentprise attaches to candidate profiles based on the ranking system. It helps employers quickly identify the potential candidates that meet the requirements for a job without wasting time and effort. The badges on Talentprise are named: Elite, Advanced, Competent and Rising. Candidates get these badges depending on the qualities they possess.


Connecting 100,000+ recruiters and job seekers in 100+ Countries


Talentprise Global Presence: Offices in Canada, US, UAE


Toronto, Ontario Canada


Sheridan, WY, USA

Middle East

Dubai, UAE

Talentprise is Featured Among the Top 5 Sourcing Tools

Talentprise earned this top 5 position because of its candidates’ data analytics and benchmarking feature, making it easier for businesses to identify and hire the best talents across the world.

Talentprise Featured Top 5 for recruiters posting jobs and candidates to find jobs

In a recent article published by Tech Times on 16 October 2022, Talentprise was featured as one of the “top 5 talent sourcing tools for recruiters.” According to the article, Talentprise earned its position in this top 5 ranking due to the several incredible advantages it renders.