LinkedIn, a professional networking platform, helps recruiters as well as job seekers in networking, and creating better career possibilities for businesses and professionals. It has proven to be among the best job hunting platforms, with various tools designed to help individuals and businesses. One such efficient tool is LinkedIn Recruiter Lite.

This article provides you with all the information you need on the LinkedIn Recruiter Lite and whether or not it will be helpful for your business.

What is LinkedIn Recruiter Lite?

It is a subscription-based tool and a lite version of the LinkedIn Recruiter that helps recruiters and employers hunt down the best possible potential candidates for their businesses, providing a vast number of benefits. Although it has fewer features than LinkedIn’s full recruiter, it is still very beneficial for recruiters at small businesses looking to make a few key hires.

Features of LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

With no limitations on creating projects, you have the freedom to create as many as you need. Additionally, the platform features automatic tracking of potential candidates, enabling you to build a pool of talented individuals using the talent pool tab along with additional pipeline features. Once you have identified possible prospects and added their profiles to the list of applicants, you can use the “Uncontacted” stage of the pipeline to ensure that you haven’t yet gotten in touch with them. Moreover, you can hide or unhide applicants based on your requirement, giving you complete control over the recruitment process.

Selecting Best Candidates using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite
  • 30 Inmail messages monthly.
  • Recruitment orientation.
  • Candidate suggestions.
  • Advanced search filters.
  • Check who viewed your profile.

By utilizing these features, you can connect with the candidates saved on your list and streamline the hiring process.

Tips and Tricks for Pipeline Management

1.    Save Your Search To A Project

You can save your search to a project in LinkedIn Recruiter Lite by running your search using the search bar at the top of the LinkedIn Recruiter Lite dashboard. Choose your desired criteria from the search results, then click the “Save search” icon at the top of the results page.

Depending on what you need, you may now either start a new project or save the search to an existing one. By selecting the “Projects” option from the left menu on the dashboard, you can view all your saved projects, edit them or even delete them if no longer needed.

2.    The Talent Pool Tab

To start a new talent pool and give it a name, click the “New Talent Pool” button. By choosing the “Add candidates” button, you may then add possible applicants whose profiles appeal to you.

When you’re ready to hire, you can connect with them by sending them personalized messages or email campaigns. You can also narrow down your talent pool and identify the best applicants for particular job positions by applying filters.

3.    Uncontacted Stage in Pipeline

The “uncontacted” feature allows you to evaluate candidate profiles, resumes, and other pertinent data to decide if they are a good fit for the job you’re hiring for.

4.    Save, Hide, or Unhide

In order to streamline your outreach efforts and manage your candidate pipeline, you can save, hide, or unhide candidates. You can save a person’s profile by clicking on the “save” icon in the top right corner.

Also, by selecting the “hide” button in the top right corner, you may also do the same to hide a candidate’s profile. By selecting the “unhide” button on any profile, you can easily reverse the hiding process. This will allow the candidate’s profile to be moved back to the place before it was hidden.

5.    Search for Another Project

Simply navigate to the global search box in the upper right corner to begin a new project search. Repeat the above steps to add, hide, delete, or save a profile to your project.

Key Difference Between Linkedin Recruiter and Recruiter Lite

Although LinkedIn Recruiter Lite has enormous benefits, there are still some limitations to it.


LinkedIn Recruiter is best suited for enterprise-level hiring organizations and offers a number of recruitment tools like advanced search filters, team collaboration tools, and improved reporting insights. On the other hand, Recruiter Lite is a more condensed version created for smaller recruitment teams or individual recruiters.


Due to the benefits that come with it, the former is more expensive than the latter, which is more affordable and was created specifically for low-budget companies.


While Recruiter Lite has a monthly cap on the number of InMails that can be sent, LinkedIn Recruiter offers unlimited InMail messaging to prospective applicants.

Access to Candidates

Recruiter Lite only allows users to access a relatively limited number of LinkedIn profiles, whereas LinkedIn Recruiter gives users complete access to the entire database of more than 850 million professionals on LinkedIn.

Benefits of Linkedin Recruiter Lite

Recruiter Lite is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to expand their talent pool, despite its limited access to candidates as compared to LinkedIn Recruiter. With millions of LinkedIn users available to peruse, it can still yield positive results for recruiters. The Talent Pool Tab is a unique feature that allows recruiters to compile and manage a group of potential candidates who may be suitable for future openings. Furthermore, it enables recruiters to identify talented professionals who may not be actively looking for work at the moment but may be interested in future opportunities.

  • The ‘uncontacted’ option helps you prepare your outreach plan before contacting any of those applicants.
  • Using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, you may manage your job as well, which can give you information on how many people have viewed your job posting, how many applications you’ve gotten, and if you wish to accept or reject a particular applicant.
  • To increase the number of candidates, you can also employ other strategies, such as advertising the job, outlining the perks it offers, and including information about the compensation.

Key Takeaway

Overall, LinkedIn Recruiter Lite offers a number of strong features that are intended to make it easier and more cost-effective for recruiters and hiring managers to discover and connect with top talent on LinkedIn. So if you’re a small business owner or your budget is limited, LinkedIn Recruiter Lite is all you need to discover and hire the best potential candidates and get your company up and running smoothly.

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Wajahat Raja

Wajahat Raja

Wajahat graduated from a top UK university and is passionate about business, entrepreneurship, and recruitment. He has a master’s in Accounting & Finance, so he understands the nuances of how the market operates. He has 4+ years of content writing, strategy, and SEO experience.

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